async defer src="//" My Enchanting Cottage Garden: 3 Steps to Propagating Clematis

Saturday, September 7, 2013

3 Steps to Propagating Clematis

How do you get your clematis?  One approach is through a division but did you know that you can also get a start from a cutting?  Well you can and it is as easy as one, two, and three.

I ran across this article from and it was so informative I wanted to share it with you.

Prior to utilizing this technique, keep in mind that this is the least successful approach and to increase your chances of success make sure to take more than one cut.  Also, you will need to create your own micro-greenhouse from a 2-liter bottle.  To do this, simply cut the bottle in half about 4 to 5 inches from the bottom.  Fill this bottom half with pre-moistened soil, and place the remaining half back on top securing it to the bottom with a strong tape.  When using the tape, make sure to just go all the way around the cut instead of just adding pieces.  This will help hold the moisture in, creating a greenhouse-type of environment.

Steps to Take for a Clematis Stem Cutting

1.     Start this process by selecting recent stem growth that has two to three nodes on it.  A node is where the leaf attaches to the stem so in this case you need at least two to three leaves.   Once the nodes have been located, move down to the next node and cut the stem at a slant.

2.     Scrap the cut to remove the other layer of the stem and dip into a commercial rooting hormone or honey.

3.     Place inside the 2-liter bottle greenhouse and seal up.  In five to six weeks, the cuttings should be rooted and ready to plant outside.  To give the cuttings enough time to grow outside before the winter winds blow, make sure to do this procedure during the months of May and June only.  Place the greenhouse in an environment that receives indirect sunlight.  This will allow the bottle to heat up without cooking the plant inside from direct sunlight.  Also, since the soil was pre-moistened, there is no need to open the bottle to water.  The self-contained environment will do it for you as long as you leave it sealed.

*Hint:  If you want to increase the chances of rooting, consider using a light rooting mix instead of a traditional potting soil.  This light rooting mix is easily created using one part peat, and two parts sand.  Mix completely, moisten, and use as described as above.

My Niobe Clematis with Westerland Rose in the background
Clematis Jackmanii
Betty Corning Clematis

Thrifty Rebel Clematis

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