Most tulips have a reputation for fizzling out after a
couple of years. But if you select the right varieties and give them proper
care, you can ensure a brilliant display every spring. Some tulip varieties come back better than
others. . To ensure success, we recommend the basics of
good Tulip culture: deep planting, regular spring and fall feeding with a bulb
fertilizer, deadheading after bloom, allowing the leaves to yellow before
removing, and minimal watering in summer. To
discover which tulips are good bets for long life, read on.
1.Go for Gold
'Olympic Flame' tulip is a Darwin
hybrid tulip, one of the most reliable groups of tulips for perennial
performance in the landscape. Its dazzling golden petals erupt with streaks of
red, similar to a flickering flame. It grows up to 2 feet tall and blooms in
mid- to late spring.
2. Cute Candy Cane
'Peppermint Stick' is a variety of species tulip (Tulipa clusiana) that features alternating red and white petals, reminiscent of the stripes on a peppermint candy. This sweet little bulb grows only 10 inches tall and blooms in early to midspring.
3.Enjoy Rich Color
'Negrita' is a Triumph tulip that
blooms in shades of purple and blue. It's one of the most reliable varieties in
this group of hybrid tulips. Its cheery flowers are borne on 18-inch-tall stems
in midspring.
4.Perfect Perennial
Your search for a perfect
perennial tulip may be over once you find Tulipa batalinii 'Red Hunter'.
This 10-inch-tall species tulip explodes with brilliant red blooms nestled in
blue-green leaves.
5.Go Green
Make your neighbors green with
envy by growing the perennial Viridiflora tulip 'Spring Green'. A band of green
runs through the center of each petal, transitioning to creamy white edges.
This late-season bloomer grows about 16 inches tall.
6.Play It Again
'Honky Tonk' tulip will have you
singing its praises if you grow it in your rock
garden or flower border. Yellow petals blushed with peach overtones
distinguish this species tulip that grows only 8 inches tall.
7.Frilly Find
'Flaming Parrot' tulip resembles
a flamenco dancer with its ruffled petals of brilliant red and primrose yellow.
Most parrot tulips fade quickly in the garden, but this one lasts for years if grown
in a sunny site with good drainage.
8.Long-Lasting Lily
Late-season 'White Triumphator'
is a graceful lily-flowered tulip that comes back year after year. It has
large, long-lasting ivory white blooms with pointed petals that arch outward
and stems that grow 2 feet tall.
9.Sing a Sweet Song
'Ballade' tulip finishes out the
tulip season with its graceful two-toned petals of purple edged with lavender.
When fully open, its yellow-centered blooms resemble those of a lily. It grows
16 inches tall.
10.Royal Showing
The 'Orange Emperor' tulip blooms
in early spring with regal-size cup-shape orange flowers. Each petal has a
flaming yellow base. The stocky plants grow just 14 inches tall.
The above detail about flowers is highly accuracy. For more details about different flowers click this link Different Flowers in Plesanton.