Flowers Butterflies Love: Butterflies will be very happy to come to our backyards if we provide what they need. When planting new flowers take into consideration nectar plants (flowers) attract a
wide variety of butterflies, and that larval foodplants attract very specific
kinds of butterflies seeking plants on which to lay eggs and that will
nourish the caterpillars.
If you desire to coax these beautiful winged creatures to your backyard plant the following flowers in you cottage garden.
Since many common butterflies are on the wing throughout the year , as long as it isn’t too cold or hot and dry—we can use different
flowering plants to provide nectar throughout the year.
1In late fall,
mountain marigold and rabbitbrush robe themselves in golden heads attracting
a host of species. During the spring, patches of wildflowers come alive with
Late summer flowering shrubs include red bird of paradise, butterfly bush, Mexican sunflower, lantana, desert lavender, and bee-brush; perennials include desert verbena, butterfly mist, floss-flower, and native
passion vine. Strategic plantings or massing of these plants will fill a
garden with a wide variety of butterflies. Quite a few of these plants can be started as seeds from Burbee Seeds Co.
Some caterpillar food plants make excellent
background plantings, screens, or
spots of greenery. Desert hackberry, a tall native shrub of desert washes is
the foodplant of the Empress Leilia, and the American Snout. Fern acacia, a
tropical-looking, low native shrub that makes a soft accent near a patio or
pool, is also the food plant of the Acacia Skipper, and the Mexican Yellow.
Native mesquites are foodplants for hairstreaks, feather tree for sulphurs, kidneywood for the often numerous Marine Blue butterflies; and citrus trees for the Giant Swallowtail—the caterpillars resemble bird droppings.
Providing a butterfly house will also attract certain species of butterflies. has many varities to choose from.
The plants listed here make a good start on a butterlfly garden. Many of these
species look their fullest and best from late summer through fall, a time
when there are normally many butterflies in the garden.

Aristolochia watsonii, Native pipevine, foodplant for Pipevine Swallowtail
Bouteloua curtipendula, Sideoats grama (grass), foodplant for Orange Skipperling
Cosmos sulphureus, Cosmos, nectar plant
Dicliptera resupinata, Twinseed, foodplant for Texan Crescent
- Acacia angustissima, Fern acacia, foodplant for Acacia Skipper, Mexican Sulphur
Aloysia gratissima, Beebrush, nectar plant for gossamer wings
- Anisacanthus thurberi, Native honeysuckle, nectar plant; foodplant for Elada Checkerspot
- Asclepias linaria, Pineleaf milkweed, foodplant for Queen, Monarch
- Asclepias subulata, Desert milkweed, foodplant for Queen, Monarch
- Atriplex spp., Saltbush, foodplant for Western Pygmy Blue
- Baccharis sarothroides, Desert Broom, nectar (winter) for many, esp. Great Purple Hairstreak
- Bebbia juncea, Sweet bush, nectar plant for gossamer wings and sulphurs

- Buddleia davidii, Butterfly bush, nectar plant
- Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Red bird of paradise, nectar plant for swallowtails and sulphurs
- Calliandra californica, Baja fairy duster, foodplant for various Blues
- Chrysothamnus nauseosus, Rabbitbrush, nectar (fall) for many species
- Dalea spp., Indigo bush, nectar plant; foodplant for Southern Dogface
- Hyptis emoryi, Desert lavender, nectar plant
- Lycium spp., Wolfberry, nectar plant (winter)
- Lantana spp., Lantana, nectar plant
- Senna hirsuta var. glaberrima, Long-pod senna, foodplant for Sleepy Orange,
- Tagetes lemmoni, Mountain marigold, nectar (fall) for many species
- Tithonia fruticosa, Mexican sunflower, nectar; foodplant for Bordered Patch
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