Easy DIY Bird Baths. Fall is the time of the year when birds become very active in the garden. I love birds in my yard, and I have feeders and bird baths in my cottage garden active all year round to attract my feathered friends. These DIY projects are so cute and simple, and they are great garden decor as well!
When it comes down to it, a bird bath is just a shallow container that holds water sat onto a base. There are so may creative ways to build a bird bat, all you have to d is check Pinterest or goggle it, but hopefully you will find inspiration here from these artful easy birdbath projects.

I loved this idea, and I have lamps in my attic, I see a DIY project in my future.

This one is definitely for the front yard
In cold areas, a heated bird bath will bring all the neighborhood birds right to your birdie hot tub. (Check Amazon)

Before you build your bird bath, keep these tips in mind:
Before you build your bird bath, keep these tips in mind:
Clean your bird bath every few days, even in the winter.
In cold areas, a heated bird bath will bring all the neighborhood birds right to your birdie hot tub
Place your bird bath where predators such as cats and dogs can’t hide in waiting.
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