Can you garden in Las Vegas or in any Western locality with temperatures over 100 degrees 50% of the year? The answer is YES! and even better than the Eastern States because drier climates do not foster black spots, Japanese Beatles, mites, and a host of other nasty diseases roses get. All it takes is a little TLC prepping the soil and a generous amount of shade and a whole lot of water!. these are pictures of my 2022 Spring in Las Vegas.
Caribbean Breeze a floribunda grows exceptionally well in dry climates.
Reine des Violets is a Hybrid Perpetual, the dominant class of roses in Victorian England, (a misleading translation of hybrides remontants, 'reblooming hybrids') emerged in 1838 as the first roses which successfully combined Asian remontancy (repeat blooming) with the old European The "perpetual" in the name hints at repeat-flowering, but many varieties of this class had poor re-flowering habits; the tendency was for a massive spring bloom, followed by either scattered summer flowering, a smaller autumn burst, or sometimes nothing at all until next spring.